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Being pregnant

Ultrasound at 7 weeks and 1 day Being pregnant is wild. All my life I’ve only been trying not to get pregnant - teen pregnancy, single mom life, and all the social prejudices associated with them made me feel that being pregnant is a bad thing. Now I find myself checking my belly in the mirror, wondering if it is a food baby or actual baby. I think it is now 95% food baby and 5% actual baby. Joel and I have been married for five years now and have always been on the fence about having kids. Once we decided to let God decide, He blessed us with a child really quickly. I thought it would take some time to conceive so we didn’t have much mental preparation when it happened within a month. But when we shared the news with our family, my mother-in-law shared that she had a vision that I’ll have a bump by the end of 2024. It was comforting to hear that the baby was in God’s mind and I am assured that there is a purpose for this life. It also allayed my concerns about an early miscarriage. I

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