oh yes he is a dog lover.
He named the dog fluff and pampered her so much. The first week he got her, clothes, shoes, spa and presents. He got her everything that was the best. Everyone knows that he is a dog lover, thus thought that his actions are justifiable.
But after a while, things changed. he got colder and colder. You see, he knows that fluff lovessssss BRAND A's dog food. but one day, he decided that its too expensive and got BRAND B's instead. Oh, what can the dog do ? he is just a dog anyway. No more clothes, spa, presents. He still brings her to the vet's though. It was his responsibility.
Yeah, he still loves fluffy. but just not as much as before. All he did was switch the food's brand and lessen the spending. how can love be measured with 'much' or 'little' anyway?
I say he loves fluffy, but he is just not in love with her anymore :)
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