what would the world become into if all our wishes came true ?
In the beggining, Clarice modelled the earth. earth was dull and empty, covered in darkness. And Clarice said, "let there be light" and there was light. Clarice saw that it was good, then she put up trains suspended in the sky, flying cars, horses going round and round in circles, chairs swinging back and forth, Clarice called it 'theme park'. And she saw that it was good
- the first day
And Clarice said, "let there be castles, palaces and magical kingdoms" Clarice saw that it was good called it 'her house'.
- the second day
So, Clarice created cartoon character in her own image, and they will be ruling the earth. She formed Mickey using the magic dust on the ground and while the ' the mickey mouse club song' was being chanted, Mickey came to life. Clarice saw all that she made and it was very good and she called it 'The Disneyland'. Clarice then live hapilly ever after, hand in hand with Mickey Mouse. however, clarice needs a friend beside her so that they could help each other and also at the same time enjoy the splendour of the disneyland. so, clarice chants the magic tune. and a hannah popped out of nowhere! then hannah, mickey mouse and clarice lived happily ever after. THE END
- the last day... of mankind. (girl and girl wont have chemistry you see.)
"Happy New Year 09 , and may all your wishes come true ! "
Erm. are you sure about that? *evil grins*
get the point.
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