what have i been up to.
hahas if you all are wondering what i have been up to...
nope, thats not E.T.
recently went for some kind of minor minor minor operation.
the doctor used laser to burn off something from a finger from my right hand.
and it ended up like that =/
was unable to use my right hand for writing for a day.
thats my lefthand hand writing hahas.
eh wait... or issit judith's left handwritting o.o?
me and kl.
taken during sports extravaganza last week.
paired up with yt for kayaking :)
on top of the 'tower'. h6f with two missing persons :(
went south view last week with hannah to help out with BB, boys brigade.
thats their fall in parade.
birthday celebration. a cake for each birthday boy :)
their tent pitching, i was told this is the simplest tent of all the tents - just for sheltering
haha. this guy is supposed to look like me.
pastor lui and hannah commented that he looked like my long lost younger brother o.o
he looks shy o.o
i tou pai de =X
me and rachel. took this in the toilet after the performance in west coast lol.
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