five stations.

think its about time i do something about my blog . which should be dead by now :0

hahas. napha five stations today. and i didnt know about it :( so ended up rushing back home to get my stuff. blur me :(( but this happened countless times... so kinda used to it anyway haahhas.

didnt do very well this time i guess. abit fed up for not performing well in shuttle run. tsktsktsk. ok... its actually very fed up for doing very badly for my shuttle run - - hahas. no more gold for napha this year. yayness ?

my first attempt was around 13 sec .
and i was like 0.0 ! are you sure ?
teacher's stop watch got spoil anot? =X hahas.
then we realised that only 3 person passed the shuttle run in a class out of 40.
so... they re measured the length of the run.
and guess what, it was one metre longer then it was supposed to be - -
and the whole class got to re run agn. crap haha.

but i was happy. cuz i got a chance to retest ! weeee :D
guess it didnt make much difference as i did as bad.
too ashamed here to post my timing - - lol.
hope i can go for retest during pe. provided the teacher dont get irritated with me. keep pestering her for retest haahhas.
other stations were so-so i think.
rawrrrr ! !@sfg#rsgf$%^&khgk*()_



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